Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Appointments on Wednesdays from 8am-7pm
Call today and book an appointment 
Soho Health Arts
50 Greene Street
(between Grand and Broome)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Grand Opening, Free classes Feb 3!

Yoga on Tuesdays and Fridays, 9am!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

The NEW Yoga

I have been messing with Yoga and Instagram. I am not sure why Instagram is the thing that has changed how we do yoga...but it is! I think more so than FB. I have done a few Instagram Yoga challenges and they are....sooooo much fun. OK so of course I went through my "is this really yoga?" thing. Is it? I think in its traditional sense its not. BUT yoga is so different now. Its so different from what it originally was and what yoga also teaches us is that life changes....the world changes, we go back to our roots of discipline but we also go with the flow of the world.

There is a ton of yoga selfies that look like photoshoots. They're in bikini's and doing tricks or wearing really cool leggings and twisting their bodies while balancing on one hand. BUT the way we take photos, wear clothes, share ourselves to the internet and practice yoga...is all different.

I love social media. It helps me connect with my family and friends who live in CA or in Asia. I love yoga in Instagram! I have developed a practice that I share with my friends who I don't normally get to practice with. I also have tried new variations of poses and worked on poses I rarely get to work on. I guess it's easy to judge and say what is out there is "not yoga" I thought it too. But I can't deny how its changed my practice for the positive.

Friday, November 28, 2014

January Schedule!

Pacific College Clinic
Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4pm

Grand Meridian Clinic
Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm

New classes beginning in January at Five Points Academy!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The gratitude challenge

Meditation month was great. I meditated A LOT! Don't get me wrong....there was a lot of #meditationexpress in there but it happened every day! Sometimes more than once a day. It was pretty sweet. This month is gratitude month! So each day there is a small challenge of gratitude. It can be as easy as finding something to be grateful for in life and stating it or an act of simple kindness that shows gratitude for friends, family, community, environment. Examples can be: skipping a meal to be grateful for the abundance in our lives, volunteering time to a cause, donating clothes, or giving something up. Been doing it for more than a week already and I really feel that it's changed my attitude about things. Not just because I'm focusing in what is positive in life but also because it has me actively looking for the good every day despite what stresses I might have.

Follow us on instagram

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Satya....unchanged truth!

When my meditation teacher talks about Satya he always talks about looking into the water and thinking you're seeing a beautiful jewel at the bottom, but really its a smashed coca cola can. Things get distorted and muddy, then we make up a story or reality of what we see. This is what happens when we miscommunicate with our friends and loved ones. Uncover the truth before you decide to start a fight with your friend! Namaste!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Meditation is the new handstand

Carol and I are challenging each other to 31 days of meditation in October! We invite everyone to join us at any time in October. Meditate with us!
Instagram! @emilydoesnotloveu @greatdestroyerofcupcakes #meditationisthenewhandstand #meditationchallenge @octoberyogachallenge @justletitgo @findasteadycomfortableseat
Meditate however you like, however long or however you know how to!
We will be posting our experiences with the challenge! As well as tips on meditation. Share with us whatever comes up for you! Post a pic (of anything) every day after your meditation and check in with us! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014


One of my favorite things about yoga has become alignment....besides the breath, focus, meditative quality and samadhi, I mean. After coming to a close with my time with Yoga 216 studying alignment and anatomy along with my learning path of acupuncture and Chinese medicine everything is alignment! Its so important to keep our energy meridians open and flowing, and our bones and joints in healthy places! I have seen patients with severe pain and injury just from repeated poor posture or bad habits in movement. Its avoidable. To say alignment in yoga is unimportant is just CRAY. I also think I can work on Tadasana forever, and very few yogini's are able to do chattarunga correctly. Not a judgement but just an observation in which I come to the conclusion that...alignment is important. Its hard to imagine where your body is in space if you don't practice thinking about it. When you're in a twisted triangle pose, do you know where your butt is in relationship to your head? Its hard to figure that out!

I practice tadasana when I wait for the subway. Why shouldn't we practice a lot? To each is own in a yoga class and what you're looking for in a class might change day to day or whatever. I just read this link : http://bodhitreepose.com/2014/02/13/alignment-maligned-the-baby-and-the-bathwater/