Valentine's day art by my very great and amazing friend, Kenya. He wasn't allowed to attend my super exclusive Bruce Lee themed singles only Valentine's day party, but he drew this lovely little guy and made us a mixtape. What a good sport! Now, that's LOVE!
Sometimes you think you're so original and cool... Turns out my Ex BF is making post-it art too! Well, color me blue. Alien guy over here jamming out on his guitar is way cooler than my stripper shoe stepping in poo. Go figure! Everyone should go out and make post-it art. Start a revolution!!
Other than that, Another reason why my Ex BF is cooler than yours (or maybe cooler than you!!!) his Speaker Monster munny. His eyes light up and you can pull a retractable cord from his bunghole and plug him into your Ipod. I mean come on -check out his booty! Such a cute lil munny...Contact the artist here.
According to NY MAGAZINE’s Fiona Byrne , SONIC YOUTH founder THURSTON MOORE has announced plans to create a retrospective museum art show incorporating work from all the band’s contributing artists over the years including Mike Kelley, Raymond Pettibon, Chris Wool, Richard Prince, and Gerhard Richter, to name a few. The as-yet unnamed show will travel the world over the course of several years, beginning in the French city of Saint-Nazaire in June of this year with a potential stop at the Whitney Museum in NYC being considered:
“We’re putting together this museum show that’s utilizing all the artists that we’ve worked with on different covers and concepts, and that’s going to happen for two or three years,” said Moore. “It’s going to happen in young museums, there’s one outside of Paris, there’s one in Malmö, Sweden,” he added. “It’s going to be a lot of artwork by a lot of artists that we’ve worked with through the years, people like Chris Wool, Dan Graham, Vito Acconci.”
Upping the ante is Moore’s claim that Sonic Youth will perform at each opening of the art tour, lest any viewer forget that it’s called “rock art” for a reason…
If you didn't know, I'm a Sonic Youth Fan of the 90's. I was there at Summerstage and I was there when CB's closed. Heyyyy! I'm in the Rapture video!!! (30 seconds into the video is my 3 seconds of fame.)
Hi Hunnies, I'm sure you've all heard...about the Tableturns watch by now. They hit Magic like WHOA. Maybe I'm the last person in Blogsville to post the FLUD watch but I swear I was one of the first to rock it. Or so I was promised so. Anyways, its half past scratch and you need to get this watch! here
The snow in NYC is not cute, but you can make your own!! Starting back in November, when friends came over to the crib, I imposed my communal snowflake making on them. A month later I looked across to the NYU dorm and saw some kids with snowflakes on their windows! Snowflaking is contagious and much lovelier than the smushy, slooshie, dirty mess that I trudged through last night in my pink timbs.
Hello fellow bloggers and what have you... I'm actively starting a blog which will eventually be linked to my website . Just some cute design and/or*t. We keep it cute and keep it moving. Thanks for listening! You'll catch on soon enough and so will I!