Friday, November 28, 2014

January Schedule!

Pacific College Clinic
Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4pm

Grand Meridian Clinic
Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm

New classes beginning in January at Five Points Academy!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The gratitude challenge

Meditation month was great. I meditated A LOT! Don't get me wrong....there was a lot of #meditationexpress in there but it happened every day! Sometimes more than once a day. It was pretty sweet. This month is gratitude month! So each day there is a small challenge of gratitude. It can be as easy as finding something to be grateful for in life and stating it or an act of simple kindness that shows gratitude for friends, family, community, environment. Examples can be: skipping a meal to be grateful for the abundance in our lives, volunteering time to a cause, donating clothes, or giving something up. Been doing it for more than a week already and I really feel that it's changed my attitude about things. Not just because I'm focusing in what is positive in life but also because it has me actively looking for the good every day despite what stresses I might have.

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