To see the senoritas with flowers in their hair...
What does one do in Kentucky, can you imagine, when visiting for a long weekend? Well, this was actually my second time there! So I got the trips to Walmart, Waffle House and Cracker Barrel out of the way the first time...Well, I caught a performance called the break/s which was part of the Humana festival. the break/s was hip-hop, theaterish, spoken word. Which might not sounds appetizing initially, but it was a dope show. You walk away feeling nostalgic and warm and fuzzy knowing that hip-hop is still being taught to the world. Check it out bc they're touring in a bunch of other cities...Minneapolis, SF and some other places I don't remember off the top of my head. The second thing you do in Kentucky is on Easter Sunday, you crash your friend's family Easter party and hunt for plastic eggs in the yard with the babies...IN THE SNOW! The third thing you do in Kentucky is go to the N.E.R.D. concert. There is something about seeing them live that makes you just want to rip Pharrell's clothes off and scream. I cannot explain this.
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