These are my favorite shoes...I haven't seen anyone wear Melissa shoes in the US yet! Well except, yours truly. I heard they were selling them some place in the LES and at Opening Ceremony last year but I never actually saw them. I also heard they had a sample sale in Dec which I sadly missed out on. Maybe some ladies will be donning them this spring. They haven't officially hit the US yet, but I have my own are some of the ones I'm looking to snag. HRMM...the Vivienne Westwoods are a little more unattainable it seems. Maybe I'll have to go to Brazil to get them!
The skinny on these lovlies is that they are ECO-Friendly, green, vegan and hypo-allergenic. OH and made of the lovliest most comfortable plastic called melflex. Melissa is super PC as they are nice to their employees and recycle their overstock to make more lovely, lovely plastic shoes.
P.S. I love you!

P.S.S.Sneakercon was a I heard...

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