Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

This is overdue in the sense that its well into January but to be fair I am ethnically Chinese so I am just getting ready ahead of time for the year of the rabbit.

The other day I attended an all day seminar about called "Living With Thyroid Disease". It was great and extremely informative. Mary Shomon seems to be THE go to woman on all things Thyroid. She was specific, not preachy. So with that said I walked away with a plan on how to deal with my own thyroid issues and hopefully this leads to a better way of living for me. Some specific things I decided to work on was my diet. I am really good about exercising (seriously 7 days a week) but really bad about eating correctly. I can have steamed fish and veggies for dinner, eggs for breakfast...but what happens in between I cannot be responsible for! So my #1 resolution is to cut my processed foods almost completely. Which means I have to start forgoing things that come in packaging. Living with a thyroid disease means I cannot afford to have anymore toxins in my body. So I will also be going as organic as possible. I already am organic with eggs and milk but I will have to be better about things I juice, especially apples.

I have a TON of other resolutions like:
paying bills ALL ON TIME
running a 5k at some point in the year
volunteer an hour once a month
more spinning
get at least 3 stamps on my passport
get hit and kicked in the head without feeling sad about it (in sparring)

more outdoor running, longer runs

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